Ahhhh the pause that refreshes

I recently came across a post that shared how classical music was good for ADHD kids, for concentration, for hypering down……….so I thought what about us when our battery needs recharging. I was checking it out and I found one song that I instantly relaxed to.   In fact when I need to turn OFF my brain, I think I’d like to have this on my bedside stand. It comes with a big siggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh or a big ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Tell me what you think.

ps it’s also warm and fuzzy for me as I took classical guitar lessons with my daughter when she was 6 or 7 years old and I have some warm remembrances. She also overshot my ability in a matter of months. I so enjoyed seeing her play with ease, proud moments for sure.

Barb Ashcroft

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