Are you at risk of an Unspooling Mind?

Leading TV newscaster Dawna Friesen shares on 16×9 (Informative News TV Program) tomorrow Saturday April 26th a raw interview related to Dementia and HER FAMILY.

Here’s a riveting clip… all means watch the 16×9 feature on TV and then join us for a local “Meet Up” where we’ll be discussing ‘breaking developments’ with  maintaining your faculties.  On the morning news she stated every 5 minutes someone is diagnosed with Dementia and a huge percentage of them are under 55.

Let us know your level of interest (whether you’re local or not) as we’re preparing some very targeted info packs sharing some HOPE.

This is my PASSION and my WHY, my DREAM; as my GOAL is to help dear ones avoid this path in life.

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