How do you handle uncertainty? We all go through it – throughout our lifetime.
-Elementary school – we progress up to become a Senior and move on
-Only to begin again as low (wo)man on the ladder in High School – to progress up to become a Senior again
-To move on to Post High School – again at the bottom to progress up to Graduation
-Maybe even Post Graduate School – to continue the upward climb
-Then onto our first and subsequent jobs – starting at the bottom rung of the ladder
-Well here’s an eye opener for you – even when you retire as a Senior – you still have a learning curve
So what do you do? Or how do you progress gracefully with the least amount of bruises from the speed bumps you encounter?
We all are required to RE-INVENT ourselves throughout our life, especially related to our careers.
If you are aware of your Top 4 Fulfillment Needs (all specific to you) it certainly makes the journey more pleasant.
I’ll be sharing more as a guest panelist in 5 weeks time at the acclaimed Royal Roads University.
Lots of great tips, tools and personal discoveries along the way to share.
I encourage you to stay plugged in as we delve more into ‘Transitions”.
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