Being that squirrel and getting everything in order

10 days till our Virtual Binder Workshop (via Zoom)

Getting things done is always on our minds.   But this particular aspect we tend to procrastinate or put off.  Peace of mind comes when you get this completed and I’m here to help you attain that.  I’ve spent a year researching with experts and those in-the-know and I’m sharing ALL THAT with you here in this workshop.  You’ll want some advance time as I send you a shopping list, a to-do list to get started finding the key crucial components, along with some instruction videos.

Oct 27th 7 pm Pacific Time but you’ll be better prepared if you register and pay before the 20th. Specials to take advantage of as well. That gives you a week to Get Your Shenanigans READY to be put in order.

Looking forward to HELPING YOU loose that 700 lbs of weight off your shoulders.

It feels darn good to have it completed.

To Your BEST Self Care which includes taking care of business here and now.

Barb Ashcroft

hm/off 250-752-5499   and remotely


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