When Sugars are KEY to WELLNESS

 Doctor shares a key insight into “Communication” within the body. This is one more reason why I recommend VitAloe as a stellar nutritional element to support Wellness. Once you understand how important the Cellular Communication is, you’ll be aware of the value and how this represents a missing piece of the health puzzle. To [read more…]

My most watched Holiday Post

I shared a great post about new babies going home from the hospital in Christmas Stockings with Matching Hats and wow did you guys ever love it.  1000’s read the post and shared it. The real story is: “What do you do with them once you get them home?” Not just in the first month [read more…]

Do you know you’re a Walking Ocean?

Wellness – Did you know that you are a walking ocean? Your body fluids have the same salinity, mineral content and pH (acid-alkaline balance) as sea water. 10,000 species of sea vegetation in our oceans also contain all of the vitamins, major and trace minerals, amino acids and enzymes necessary for the healthy mind and [read more…]

Pesticides and Noxious Sprays – The ‘Dirty Dozen’ Remedy

Maybe you’ve already heard about the ‘dirty dozen’….the 12 or so foods that are most prevalent to carry pesticides and be laden with noxious sprays.  We certainly don’t want to be ingesting those pests or pesticides. plus lettuce, potatoes, imported grapes and cherries. So addressing the question: “What do we do then?” Folks have been [read more…]

Have you got your SMILE on?

Is this YOU when the kids are Back in School and Summer Holidays are over? Friends Jen and Joe having a ‘thumbs up’ moment. I know it’s a giggle…….and probably a relief from the “Mom, I have nothing to do” summer doldrums. But for many it’s one in a Million. WHY?  Because it means the hassle [read more…]

Quick Fix for Emergency Preparedness

Timely, pertinent sharing as many of us have Emergency Preparedness Events this week. How many of us are still slowly putting together our kits or would still like to learn some quick, easy add-ons? What I’m sharing is not NEW, but it’s totally relevant for today’s challenges. We were green before GREEN was in. But [read more…]

11 of the Best Things to EAT Before a Workout

Wow this is a great article, because there’s so many opinions on Do You – Don’t You, etc. So here’s an article that spells out the WHAT you should EAT before a workout and WHY! Click here for the article. Notice there’s a Smoothie and Bananas in that list. As always contact me for some [read more…]

Drink to your Health

We are on a mission to try out and share a whole bunch of healthy recipes. Here’s why………..we’ve been sharing nutrition, delivered as  Smoothies that contain loads of nutrients. That’s a lot more appealing than swallowing a whole pile of capsules and tablets. New research shows (nothing new to you I’m sure) that breakfast is the most [read more…]

Amazing Benefits of Spirulina

Here is an overview newsletter. Once you read it, you’ll see why Green Smoothies are in demand.   Cheers, Barb Ashcroft http://ashcroft.rbclife.com/overview A new website to share some tips on Changing Your Normal ps:  If you’re not into GREEN, there’s some wonderful other protein sources email us for more info Share this…

News on Organic

Last month we had a captivated crowd with us watching “Food Matters”. It is a fast paced, hard hitting documentary on “We are what we eat”. Rodale Press has recently released stats that show ORGANIC is better for us. Here is the Newest Release. Here is my ‘go to’ for a quick organic afternoon pick me [read more…]

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