Have you got your SMILE on?

Is this YOU when the kids are Back in School and Summer Holidays are over?

Jen and Joe Zucker Back to School

Friends Jen and Joe having a ‘thumbs up’ moment.

I know it’s a giggle…….and probably a relief from the “Mom, I have nothing to do” summer doldrums.

But for many it’s one in a Million.

Smiley face in a sea of doom

WHY?  Because it means the hassle and drudgery of having to nag those kids out of bed and get them a NUTRITIOUS and ACCEPTABLE breakfast ‘EVERY SINGLE Monday to Friday’.

Something they will actually eat……………

By the way, this goes way beyond just the kids……September for many of us means,   ALERT! ALERT! BRAIN CELLS required!!!  September is often our self imposed beginning of a New Year, with new goals, new deadlines, a new season and a brand new start. So are YOU prepared too?  How about …are you prepared with a SMILE?

So would you like an alternative……….a GREAT……….YUMMY……….5-8 minute start to end of clean up solution?

I’m aligned with a company that has close to 1/3 of a CENTURY with experience making and improving upon the “SMOOTHIE” not just any old smoothie, but turbo nutrition smoothies.  In 5-8 minutes you can prepare, share and clean up after the preparation………

and the best part: “It’s Mikey tested and approved”.   Kids and adults love them, even from the canister.  

The canisters now come as packets for portability and convenience to shake up on the spot.

Pure Pro passes the Mickey Test


ANNOUNCING 48 HOUR “Get Ready for Brain Power Blitz”   

Get one of our Great Value Starter Packs by end of August 31st and we’re throwing in something Special besides some great savings!

You’ll have all you need to have on hand (plus recipes) to create some happy, nourished family members (including you).

Contact Barb for all the details at 250-752-5499  WeChangeLives@shaw.ca before the bewitching hour and reap the benefits.







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