Mastermind Group

Are you FRUSTRATED that what you desire is TAKING SO DARN LONG?   Maybe you're now 'stuck in doubt' - will it ever happen?

Now is the BEST TIME to get a Mind Set Reset.  Join us as we set a different INTENTION!

With the progress made to online since CoVid restrictions we've taken the BEST part of our Mastermind and created a Home Study, Self Paced program as the optimal place to begin.

Great News!

We're now offering our online version 

Contact us NOW for all the details or simply click on Workshops in the drop down tab!

  • Check out the revolving testimonies from previous attendees (bottom right corner of this page).

Here is a follow up report from one of the "Finding Your Purpose and Your Top 4 Fulfillment Needs" discovery sessions:

"Barb, I wanted to let you know that I have been observing myself since the workshop you did with us.

I am finding it interesting to notice where and when my fulfillment needs are being met. I am pretty clear now what they are.

It is fascinating to notice how when they are met I feel so “fulfilled!” Lol! I guess that is why they are called fulfillment needs!

Anyway, I want to say thank you again for walking us through the process. It has given me greater insight into the under-the-surface reasons I feel content or not when involved in something. Now I can be more pro-active in choosing activities and involvement in things that are aligned with my fulfillment needs and delegate or decline the ones that are not or find a way to reframe things I must do in a way that I can highlight to myself some of those needs being met."  LZ


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    Websites change, channels of communication change. Best plan of action is to phone/text either myself 250-951-2554 or Permelia Parham 250-240-2656 to get further details.

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