Do you have a ‘what if this afternoon’ mentality🆘

Another “Celebration of Life” this past Wednesday – so this is a timely reminder. I am not sure you’re a natural procrastinator like me, but losing someone always prompts me into action. Yes Barb, “Get your STUFF in order”.   Thankfully through Compassion In Action I’ve met with and interviewed so many talented folks who have [read more…]

Stress and Disease Dr. Gabor Mate

In this day and age when every screen and monitor screams stress – I’m taking the time right now to re-evaluate my own stress levels and how they are showing up in my health. Here is a video of the famous Dr. Gabor Mate sharing on this.  I’m learning new points as well as some [read more…]

Research behind our Brain Health NeuroBright

The first step to support our body for memory, focus and learning. No matter the age, whether studying in a new environment (kids and parents now) or having to cram for University papers and exams or even fast forward to aging challenges; NeuroBright is key for helping. As you may know we have new access [read more…]

Brain and Body Foundation Aiding Children’s Lives

I’ve just had the wonderful opportunity during a video conference to hear from Dr. David Dayo Ajibade. Dr. Ajibade is the medical director and founder of Brain and Body Solutions, Ltd., an integrated health center. He is also the Executive Director of Brain and Body Foundation (BBF), an organization focused on educating the Nigerian public [read more…]

Maybe it’s NOT Dementia? Hope for Memory Loss, Mobility and Lack of Bladder Control

There is an little known disorder that just needs awareness. Thanks to a previous Lieutenant Governor from Alberta coming forward, there is new hope. This article and news report is worth watching and reading. Early detection is necessary so be informed, as this condition is treatable. Here is the article  Be sure to watch the video [read more…]

Hope for Alzheimers

This is a great invention by a 15 year old, whose love for his Grandpa prevailed. Necessity, the mother of invention. Click here for the article   Cheers, Barb Share this…

UBC Neuroscientist makes it clear why Aluminum adjuvants should not be in vaccines

Vaccines – always a hot topic. Here is an updated report from a Neuroscientist from the University of British Columbia. If you are also still using antacids or deodorants with aluminum, be sure to watch the 4 minute video clip (when you click on the updated report above). It also illustrates the importance of getting [read more…]

Alzheimer Breakthroughs in Mice

New studies out of Australia.  Click here for the whole story. This comes from the aspect of plaque.  There is another theory that inflammation is the biggest culprit. For further insights and readings, go to back issues of our blog and also archived newsletters at Anything noninvasive is a step in the right direction. [read more…]

How do you LIVE MORE?

We were blessed last month with the teachings of Ron and Lois Zehr as they shared with our audience, EXACTLY how to LIVE MORE! What does that mean to you? We’re excited to share lots of good stuff this Wednesday Feb 11th at 7 pm Where: THE MAC (McMillan Arts Centre) kitty corner from the [read more…]

Jann Arden on Alzheimers

Here are some ‘Insights” or “Breakthroughs” that Jann Arden, Canadian Pop Singer Phenom has written about as her parents both move forward on the ‘memory loss’ journey.  These were posted on her Official Facebook page.  I share her inspiration and insights.  I hope it blesses and encourages you as it really touched me. Every time [read more…]

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