Compassion doesn’t just make us feel good but it can have powerful effects on our health and longevity. Dr. Julian Abel who worked at a palliative care (end of life) facility shares what they learned. Listen in as he shares what has improved health more than stopping smoking or drinking, diet and exercise COMBINED. Here’s [read more…]
How’s your Dopamine Level?
Why Learning can be a RUSH for some! It’s a Neurotransmitter thing, as discussed in this Science of Nerdiness article Here’s some nuggets. How active is your nerdy dopamine pathway? Check out these statements and if they describe you, dopamine might well be flowing strongly to your prefrontal cortex: I love spending time reflecting on [read more…]
Research behind our Brain Health NeuroBright
The first step to support our body for memory, focus and learning. No matter the age, whether studying in a new environment (kids and parents now) or having to cram for University papers and exams or even fast forward to aging challenges; NeuroBright is key for helping. As you may know we have new access [read more…]
Brain and Body Foundation Aiding Children’s Lives
I’ve just had the wonderful opportunity during a video conference to hear from Dr. David Dayo Ajibade. Dr. Ajibade is the medical director and founder of Brain and Body Solutions, Ltd., an integrated health center. He is also the Executive Director of Brain and Body Foundation (BBF), an organization focused on educating the Nigerian public [read more…]
When Sugars are KEY to WELLNESS
Doctor shares a key insight into “Communication” within the body. This is one more reason why I recommend VitAloe as a stellar nutritional element to support Wellness. Once you understand how important the Cellular Communication is, you’ll be aware of the value and how this represents a missing piece of the health puzzle. To [read more…]
Mel Gibson I’d be JUST like you
If I had an extra $23,000 to $30,000 I’d do just what Mel did. Yes you bet, I know exactly what that money would be earmarked for. I have already had 8 years of improved health in three key areas, but most wonderfully, a hand tremor that stopped shaking. This change started when I added [read more…]
Do you know you’re a Walking Ocean?
Wellness – Did you know that you are a walking ocean? Your body fluids have the same salinity, mineral content and pH (acid-alkaline balance) as sea water. 10,000 species of sea vegetation in our oceans also contain all of the vitamins, major and trace minerals, amino acids and enzymes necessary for the healthy mind and [read more…]
Assist your Essential Oils
Oil and Water don’t mix. Right? What if I shared with you HOW they can. In fact, if I also showed you how to increase hydration of all the liquids you ingest (all nutrients need to be wetted to be absorbed by your body). All water (liquids) have a Surface Tension, think of it as [read more…]
How the cells SPEAK – Cellular communication aided by Aloe Vera
We’ve shared in the past how concentrated Aloe Vera helps with cell communication and without good communication how would anything get done. Our immunity is especially dependent on good communication within the cells. Here’s a great video to explain how. It’s why VitAloe (concentrated Aloe blend) and Mr. Clinton Howard’s (termed Dr. Aloe) 23 Million $ [read more…]
Turning the 70’s into the new 50’s
Annie’s not the only one either. This past weekend I heard stories from MANY folks in their 70’s. They have all pushed back the clock. Marilyn, one 72 year old quoted: “After a few weeks I felt like I woke up in a brand new body. It was that impacting”. With her vibrant health, she [read more…]