Just what does a DOULA do?

Is the term ‘Doula’ new to you.  It was for me. Let’s find out more today!  Here’s part ONE of the blog post today. This video is simply a tidbit of what our interview included.  Marcy McDonald shares her knowledge as one of only 40 Internationally accredited End of Life Doulas.  She has the most amazing [read more…]

Cheerleaders – We all need them sometimes!

Those PIVOTAL MOMENTS! I think we all have them!  Those moments of ‘What am I doing?  What’s the right direction?  Am I truly on course?” We all need or benefit from those people who speak TRUTH into our lives.  The BIG REALITY Conversation. I am blessed to have had several in my lifetime.  Let me [read more…]

Ever wonder what your SUPERPOWER is?

Of late, we’ve been hearing people talk of their ‘Super Powers’ even their  ‘Secret Sauce’. It’s always baffled me what mine is. Is that you too? I’m enrolled in a BYOB Bootcamp… that stands for Build Your Own Business (online) and I am absolutely charmed with Steve Dotto and his talent to share knowledge, clarity [read more…]

Life Lessons Learned from a Puzzle

Oh yes, LESSONS LEARNED from a challenging puzzle. It was that puppy dog picture that grabbed us and we were game to work on a puzzle. It’s now 3 weeks – we’re STILL seeking the right pieces for the OUTSIDE EDGE! So here’s what we’ve learned that applies to life and business: Things or pieces [read more…]

Joy Barometer – 5 Quick Questions

Have you ever been at a point of ‘discontent’?  Left with a feeling that ‘there must be more’. I’m coming across many people these days who simply are in limbo-land.  What they’ve got is OK, but they are still looking for the joy. So I would really appreciate your help.   I am putting the finishing [read more…]

Way Too Much Fun to Retire

Who doesn’t love Art Linkletter and the title of his book? More Women in Their 60s and 70s Are Having ‘Way Too Much Fun’ to Retire  I’ve often joked that my goal is to make the decade of our 60’s the new 30’s. Today I share a post  (click on the purple link) about other [read more…]


It’s nothing new………..we’ve heard it before……….we’ve seen it in the news…..and heard from our friends who have toured there. The Air Quality is just plain bad……Particulate Matter is high…..in China.  We ourselves have had contacts that moved there and had to return because of the hazard for their own health.  So all that to say………….people [read more…]

How to FEEL well, to do well

Great 3 point plan whether you’re CEO (Chief EMOTIONAL Officer) of a family, a business or even a corporation. Darren Hardy, CEO of Success Magazine and one of my favourite authors (Compound Effect and Entrepreneur Roller Coaster) shares some great wisdom. Make it a great day, Barb Ashcroft 250-752-5499   WeChangeLives@shaw.ca Bonus Tip:  Any health/wellness question? [read more…]

What do you do with DOUBT?

Wow!  This is a biggie! Self Doubt – Doubt in your abilities – Doubt in whether you’re on the right path – the right career – am I good enough? Wow!  All conditions that have been before us at one time or another. So what do you do about it? Well there are Laws that [read more…]

Consciously Creating – can I trust that Law of Attraction

I subscribe to several Daily Email Nuggets….John Maxwell, Darren Hardy ….they provide bite sized nuggets to help align me or cause me pause in perspective, thinking etc. Today on the bottom of Darren Hardy’s Nugget  called ‘Do What’s You’ was a comment that I think is key, based on the amount of uncertainly in our [read more…]

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