#3 plus #4 Finale of Boosting Your Antivirals Education Series

Educational Series #3 and #4 Finale of Boosting Your Antivirals  (Special Invite at the bottom) Back to Basics:  Maybe we should ask: ‘What is a Virus?’ Let’s not assume that everyone knows what it really is. A virus is a small infectious agent that can only replicate inside the living cells of other organisms. Viruses can infect all types of life forms. humans, animals, plants and microorganisms, including bacteria. They’re found [read more…]

Educational Series #2 of 4 Boosting Your Antivirals

  How does your body know how and what to protect you from? We are all familiar with how our bodies respond to threats.  Most times our immune system takes care of what our body is fighting in its normal 3-5-7 days. But HOW? Your immune system should know that there’s a problem. It reads [read more…]

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