Tools to help with Zoom Exhaustion

So much information coming at you, in so many different ways, by so many new channels.  No wonder you’re feeling exhausted!  When your body is shutting down, it’s pretty hard to allow new stuff in. How to cope and how to make sense of it all? Today I was forwarded an article called, ‘ The [read more…]

Why WEIGHT till January?

Here’s a great way to be ‘in control’ over the holidays. Check out the video here (click on the photo to see enlarged) Sound strategies and MORE than MARVELOUS results. Cheers Barb Ashcroft Share this…

Why Sitting is the New Smoking

Yes, you’ve all been hearing the slogan, “Sitting is the new Smoking”, drawing our attention to one more thing we are nudged to implement in our Self Care protocol. My focus is more on optimal BRAIN and ENERGY function, than lung function; but either way here’s some facts to support why you will want to [read more…]

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