Extra Value: Listen to a Key Presenter from our ‘Getting your Shenanigans in Order’ seminar. With 39 Years as a Notary Public, Phyllis Simon gives us a prompt to take action – this is a pivotal key task to get done. Join my ‘Action Workshop’ to put this and even MORE into ‘ACTION‘ with my [read more…]
Way Too Much Fun to Retire
Who doesn’t love Art Linkletter and the title of his book? More Women in Their 60s and 70s Are Having ‘Way Too Much Fun’ to Retire I’ve often joked that my goal is to make the decade of our 60’s the new 30’s. Today I share a post (click on the purple link) about other [read more…]
Osteoporosis…..to Osteopenia (reversal)
Bone is replaced in 10 year cycles…how is it that a reversal can happen in 9 months? Thank you to Earl Kemper for sharing this great video on your website. Keep on filling the GAPPS (see the legend below) Dottie was already ingesting nutrients in the Superfoods Pack so she was already covering MANY of the [read more…]
It’s nothing new………..we’ve heard it before……….we’ve seen it in the news…..and heard from our friends who have toured there. The Air Quality is just plain bad……Particulate Matter is high…..in China. We ourselves have had contacts that moved there and had to return because of the hazard for their own health. So all that to say………….people [read more…]
Millions working into age 70, 80 and even 90
Here is a blog post that came across my inbox this week. Despite the article being targeted for the USA audience (the suggestions at the bottom don’t correlate for the Canadian market, ie Energy market) it does show some startling trends and some drastic stats. We are well aware what often starts in the USA [read more…]
Thank you Gordie Howe
We’re so happy that Gordie Howe, Canadian hockey legend has had a remarkable recovery after two serious strokes. Here his son shares how stem cell therapy accomplished that. (click on the colored link for article) The entire nation got a boost also, because it gave credence to the advance of stem cell recovery. Now MS [read more…]
Work Re-Imagined
Work Re-Created! Re-Ployment is for you! Kids aren’t the only ones who say “The Darnedest Things”. Maybe Art Linkletter was right? He taught the principle of “Keep Learning and Keep Earning!” Who among us wouldn’t want to have a future of longevity and prosperity? The good news is that seniors today are living longer than [read more…]
You Cannot Win by Whining!
Please excuse the formatting that went awry with this post…for best reading, scroll down & go right to the ‘for the full story’ link This week’s blog post is by a ‘guest blogger’, Roger Downie. Roger’s tagline reads: Your passionate Business Cheerleader, Creating Successful Leaders, One Entrepreneur at a time! Your Passionate Business Cheerleader, Creating [read more…]
Merry Christmas and Wishes for 2014
A Healthy, Happy Year can be around the corner! Stay plugged in for updates, news and special features. January 1, 2014 our next newsletter (sent separately from this blog) will give you all kinds of tips for Sunseekers, all those Snowbirds planning to get away to some warm places. Tips on what to take to [read more…]
An Unexpected Heroine
Here we are on our first trip to Europe, in the busy hub of Paris, witnessing total pandemonium as far as the crazy drivers scooting around our big tour bus. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as we hear gasps from our fellow passengers at the many near misses to pedestrians, scooters and [read more…]