Where is the PROOF?

Where is the Proof?  People are skeptical.  Recently I shared (captured in video on this public FB page) my detailed SEARCH FOR ANSWERS. The proof is in the bloodwork: 2 ½ years ago I had a lengthy visit to the ER in excruciating agony. All related to a severe biliary duct (liver/gallbladder) challenge. All markers [read more…]

The Healing Power of Compassion

Compassion doesn’t just make us feel good but it can have powerful effects on our health and longevity. Dr. Julian Abel who worked at a palliative care (end of life) facility shares what they learned.  Listen in as he shares what has improved health more than stopping smoking or drinking, diet and exercise COMBINED. Here’s [read more…]

Being Interviewed for ‘Healing through the Holidays’

Yes, the holidays are coming!  Whether we want them or not, or are ready or not, or even dread them. Sharing from my Heart on this one.   Here’s Caro Brookings interviewing me for her ‘Healing through the Holidays’ speaker series. FREE GIFT: If you’re not already receiving my “Compassion in Action” (Wellness Masterclass) Newsletters or [read more…]

A Personal Testimony

A personal Story – wearing my natural health hat! Some 20 years ago after trying every natural remedy known to man and then some, I had to resort to having my gall bladder removed. What I did not know was that when the bile from the liver is dispersed (it is still dispersed, it just doesn’t [read more…]

Let’s talk about Shingles

Now this should be interesting! Shingles! What is it?   Another Virus? We’re hearing some great turnarounds! Thursday Night Connector Zoom – Come Join us! Come learn about ways to strengthen your immune system. What can trigger shingles? Weakened immune system and stress are two of the known factors. If your immune system is healthy and [read more…]

My 5 BEST Travel Helpers

We had just returned from a wonderful trip to Costa Rica and it occurred to me that there are “VIP” items to have when you travel, that you may not know about. So let’s highlight those for you here.  ***There’s a special BONUS one at the end*** This is a new addition to my travel [read more…]

When Sugars are KEY to WELLNESS

 Doctor shares a key insight into “Communication” within the body. This is one more reason why I recommend VitAloe as a stellar nutritional element to support Wellness. Once you understand how important the Cellular Communication is, you’ll be aware of the value and how this represents a missing piece of the health puzzle. To [read more…]

Mel Gibson I’d be JUST like you

If I had an extra $23,000 to $30,000 I’d do just what Mel did. Yes you bet, I know exactly what that money would be earmarked for. I have already had 8 years of improved health in three key areas, but most wonderfully, a hand tremor that stopped shaking.  This change started when I added [read more…]

Is Your BRAIN Protected?

Wow I just read an incredible account of a lady cyclist being run over – let me rephrase that – her HEAD being run over and she survived. Thank you Lord, she was wearing a bike helmet, and here she is holding what is left of it. I’ll include the link to the article at [read more…]

Deter those ticks

Ticks are gaining more bad press as culprits for Lyme Disease, so it’s important to take precautions to avoid them. Here’s two great ways: Carry a lint roller with you in your vehicle and when you’ve finished your walk simply do a roll over your clothing.  It’s surprising how many actually land on you when [read more…]

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