Spirulina: Superfood for Survival While you and I are made up of some 63 trillion cells, these organisms (spirulina-algae) have only one. Yet, they form the main staple in the diet of the largest creatures on earth – the great whales. If algae can fuel great whales, maybe we can benefit too from its rich [read more…]
Don’t Take HEALTH for Granted
One of my health focused friends is doing what we would call ‘Living the Dream’…she’s fulfilled a lifetime goal of living in Bali. This week she sent a post out to her FB page and WOW – what an eye opener. Here are some abbreviated snippets we can learn from. *** What I want you [read more…]
Quick Fix for Emergency Preparedness
Timely, pertinent sharing as many of us have Emergency Preparedness Events this week. How many of us are still slowly putting together our kits or would still like to learn some quick, easy add-ons? What I’m sharing is not NEW, but it’s totally relevant for today’s challenges. We were green before GREEN was in. But [read more…]
Drink to your Health
We are on a mission to try out and share a whole bunch of healthy recipes. Here’s why………..we’ve been sharing nutrition, delivered as Smoothies that contain loads of nutrients. That’s a lot more appealing than swallowing a whole pile of capsules and tablets. New research shows (nothing new to you I’m sure) that breakfast is the most [read more…]
Amazing Benefits of Spirulina
Here is an overview newsletter. Once you read it, you’ll see why Green Smoothies are in demand. Cheers, Barb Ashcroft http://ashcroft.rbclife.com/overview A new website to share some tips on Changing Your Normal ps: If you’re not into GREEN, there’s some wonderful other protein sources email us for more info Share this…
Algae growing Nuns help war struck Africa
It’s not a story of ‘old’. It’s a new story and a new illustration of how powerful Spirulina is. In an area of the world which is war torn, it’s amazing to hear a Nun state: “More people are dying from malnutrition than from bullets”. Click here for the rest of the story. This is [read more…]