The Healing Power of Compassion

Compassion doesn’t just make us feel good but it can have powerful effects on our health and longevity. Dr. Julian Abel who worked at a palliative care (end of life) facility shares what they learned.  Listen in as he shares what has improved health more than stopping smoking or drinking, diet and exercise COMBINED. Here’s [read more…]

Some platitudes to bench – what NOT to say

Bench those platitudes:  Let’s find a better way! A special interview coming up in our “Compassion In Action” series. Maria Belanic shares: By understanding the flow of grief, others can better understand the turmoil this causes to mothers. Maria shares: • Walking through my own personal journey of heartbreak and devastation when my oldest son [read more…]

Home Equity doesn’t pay for the groceries

Yes, it’s a new version of being ‘House Poor‘. Recently in the last decade our home values have grown substantially and a big amount of our ‘estate’ is tied up in that home.  But as the blog topic shares:   Home Equity does not pay for the groceries, and that is especially true if you are [read more…]

Stress and Disease Dr. Gabor Mate

In this day and age when every screen and monitor screams stress – I’m taking the time right now to re-evaluate my own stress levels and how they are showing up in my health. Here is a video of the famous Dr. Gabor Mate sharing on this.  I’m learning new points as well as some [read more…]

12 Days of Christmas Support for Grieving Friends

12 Days of Christmas Support for Grieving Friends DAY 1 of 12: Maybe you’re like me and are in search of practical ways to support our grieving friends. I sure was and still am. I’ll share 12 tips that you can check out. Day 1: If possible – Hugs all around unless this makes the [read more…]

Brain and Body Foundation Aiding Children’s Lives

I’ve just had the wonderful opportunity during a video conference to hear from Dr. David Dayo Ajibade. Dr. Ajibade is the medical director and founder of Brain and Body Solutions, Ltd., an integrated health center. He is also the Executive Director of Brain and Body Foundation (BBF), an organization focused on educating the Nigerian public [read more…]

Natural Products that Raise your Frequency

Some wonderful tips on how to Raise your Frequency to assist the body’s communication and efficiency. Here also is a good link for measuring low frequencies. Lots of good nutrients to help you perform at your best. Changing Normals for the Better Barb Ashcroft Share this…

Ahhhh the pause that refreshes

I recently came across a post that shared how classical music was good for ADHD kids, for concentration, for hypering down……….so I thought what about us when our battery needs recharging. I was checking it out and I found one song that I instantly relaxed to.   In fact when I need to turn OFF [read more…]

What do you HATE the most?

I know, many of you are saying HATE is too strong a word or emotion.  Hear me out.  I’m reading Darren Hardy’s (Editor of Success Magazine) newest best seller right now, The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster and his first chapter grabbed me. He shares that love and hate are the same thing…just looking in different directions.  [read more…]

Jann Arden on Alzheimers

Here are some ‘Insights” or “Breakthroughs” that Jann Arden, Canadian Pop Singer Phenom has written about as her parents both move forward on the ‘memory loss’ journey.  These were posted on her Official Facebook page.  I share her inspiration and insights.  I hope it blesses and encourages you as it really touched me. Every time [read more…]

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