Of late, we’ve been hearing people talk of their ‘Super Powers’ even their ‘Secret Sauce’.
It’s always baffled me what mine is.
Is that you too?
I’m enrolled in a BYOB Bootcamp… that stands for Build Your Own Business (online) and I am absolutely charmed with Steve Dotto and his talent to share knowledge, clarity and encouragement.
Here’s some take-aways from his Super Power section.
What is my Superpower?
Take some time and start writing down ideas that will help you identify (and accept) your superpower.
Who do you admire? What aspect?
List 5 people, leaders, historical figures, family, friends.
(Steve added his own to help us get started – he calls it a Firestarter).
Alexander Graham Bell
Brilliant, totally committed to his family. Most of his efforts were in service of helping the disadvantaged, for example the telephone grew from his efforts to help the deaf.
Terry Fox
The defining figure from my youth, grace in the face of tragedy, and a desire to be an agent of positive change.
Mark Hatfield
Commitment to inclusiveness, he brought us all to the space station with him.
Grace MacDonald
My first mentor, taught me the value and satisfaction of being part of a team, something bigger than myself.
Gerald Ford
Not political, because of how he leads quietly, by example.
Then he asked these questions (also fire starters)
What comes naturally to you? (I’ll leave out Steve’s answers, write in yours)
What fills you with Passion?
What makes time disappear?
What makes you a bit weird (different)
If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would you do?
What are your proudest achievements?
Next: Your Takeaway: Put those pieces together and voila!
What is Your Super Power?
I did the homework, and so glad I did. It brought on a HUGE Epiphany!
Clarity at last!
Let me know how you make out and we can share our Super Powers with each other.
In the meantime enjoy some beauty.
Barb Ashcroft
Cheering you on to your BEST SUCCESS
By the way, you can experience this learning first hand from Steve Dotto.
His link to the 25 day Bootcamp is highlighted at the top of the post on his name.
It’s all archived for you to catch up on any missed sessions.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
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