Tenacious Tanaiya

My interview with a grateful Grandma.

By our standards we would think 3 year old Tanaiya to be way too young to experience such adversity.

This little girl was born with no hips.  Her femurs (thigh bones) were on the outside of her iliac crest (pelvic bone saddle).

That means she couldn’t and didn’t crawl and certainly couldn’t walk properly.  She had to throw her legs forward (like a stick man).

Despite all that she never complained and was a happy child,  accepting her ‘normal’.

Family members kept drawing this to the family physician’s attention, but it was dismissed as not any problem since her legs were the same length.  But just before her 3rd birthday the family relocated and the new doctor assessed it instantly and she was promptly seeing an orthopedic surgeon.

1st Step

The Xrays confirmed the diagnosis.  Her legs were sitting outside of the hip sockets – similar to sitting on the back of her bum.

The surgeon’s plan was to relocate the leg bone into the hip socket, one leg at a time.

= 2 surgeries 6 weeks apart

= 3rd surgery 1 year down the road

Grandparents Peter and Meryl Tryon decided it was time for some ‘Nutritional Intervention”…so 3 weeks before the first surgery Tanaiya started receiving Stem-Kine (supplement that has been clinically proven to increase stem cell count) in apple sauce to give some added supply to aid in repair, renewal and recovery time.

Surgery would entail removing a 1″ section from the femur. Then they would pull the femur into the hip socket and use the bone splice as a pin to hold the head of the femur (thigh bone) in place (using Tanaiya’s own bone would help avoid rejection as it was already part of her body).  After that a full hip/leg cast would be placed on her leg.

***ONE WEEK*** to the day after the 1st surgery the follow up Xrays revealed healing to such a degree that only a hairline shadow appeared where the leg was severed to remove the 1 inch piece.  Her color, stamina and lack of pain was the most obvious.  Just ask anyone who has undergone a hip or knee replacement how painful that can be one week out.    Tanaiya bounced back amazingly.  In between surgeries she learned how to walk with her cast and the 2nd surgery went just as well as the first one.  Now she has a short and a long cast on.

Check out this lovely little face.  Bravery come in all sizes.



I know grandparents Peter and Meryl are thankful that they had already been informed about the merits of stem cell nutrition and now we know, “Stem-Kine is not just for seniors”.  The Tryons continue to keep lighting a candle (sharing the good news) for the many more that are desiring a better quality of life.  How wonderful they could start with their own family to get some amazing “Mental Paychecks”.

It warms a grandma’s heart for sure!

Contact us if you’d like the link to access more wonderful stories in my e-book.

Start the New Year by “Lighting a Candle” and share the good news of “Hope”.

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  1. Lorraine McNaueal says

    RBC products are very effective and great. What a wonderful story with such a tremendous outcome!

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